Python基础-项目-day5 Web框架
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#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Python基础- Web 框架 coreweb 处理 URL 操作'''import asyncio, os, inspect, logging, functoolsfrom urllib import parsefrom aiohttp import webfrom apis import APIErrordef get(path):    '''    URL 的 get 装饰方法    '''    def decorator(func):        # 把一个函数映射为URL处理函数        @functools.wraps(func)        def wrapper(*args, **kw):            return func(*args, **kw)        wrapper.__method__ = "GET"        wrapper.__route__ = path        return wrapper    return decoratordef post(path):    '''    URL 的 post 装饰方法    '''    def decorator(func):        @functools.wraps(func)        def wrapper(*args, **kw):            return func(*args, **kw)        wrapper.__method__ = "POST"        wrapper.__route__ = path        return wrapper    return decoratordef get_required_kw_args(fn):    args = []    params = inspect.sinature(fn).parameters    for name, param in params.items():        if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY and param.default == inspect.Parameter.empty:            args.append(name)    return tuple(args)def get_name_kw_args(fn):    args = []    params = inspect.sinature(fn).parameters    for name, param in param.items():        if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:            args.append(name)    return tuple(args)def has_name_kw_args(fn):    params = inspect.sinature(fn).parameters    for name, param in params.items():        if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:            return Truedef ha_var_kw_arg(fn):    params = inspect(fn).parameters    for name, param in params.items():        if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:            return Truedef has_request_arg(fn):    sig = inspect.sinature(fn)    param = sig.parameters    found = False    for name, param in param.items():        if name == "request":            found = True            continue        if found and (param.kind != inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL and param.kind != inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY and param.kind != inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD):            raise valueError("请求的参数必须the last named parameter in function:%s%s" % (fn.__name__), str(sig))        return foundclass RequestHandler(object):    def __init__(self, app, fn):        self._app = app        self._func = fn        self._has_request_arg = has_request_arg(fn)        self._has_var_kw_arg = has_var_kw_arg(fn)        self._has_named_kw_args = has_named_kw_args(fn)        self._named_kw_args = named_kw_args(fn)        self._required_kw_args = _required_kw_args(fn)    # 异步    @asyncio.coroutine    def __call__(self, request):        kw = None        if self._has_var_kw_arg or self._has_named_kw_args or self._required_kw_args:            if request.method == "POST":                if not request.content_type:                    return web.HTTPBadRequest("Missing Content-Type")                # 转换为小写                ct = request.content_type.lower()                # JSON 格式                if ct.startswith('application/json'):                    params = yield from request.json()                    if not isinstance(params, dict):                        return web.HTTPBadRequest("JSON body must be object(dict)")                    kw = params                elif ct.startswith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") or ct.startswith('multipart/form-data'):                    params = yield from request.post()                    kw = dict(**params)                else:                    return web.HTTPBadRequest("不支持的 Content-Type: %s" % request.content_type)            if kw is None:                kw = dict(**request.match_info)            else:                if not self._has_var_kw_arg and self._named_kw_args:                    # 移除所有未被命名的 kw                    copy = dict()                    for name in self._named_kw_args:                        if name in kw:                            copy[name] = kw[name]                    kw = copy                    # 检查 kw                    for k, v in request.match_info.items():                        if k in kw:                            logging.warning("arg 和 kw arg重复命名了 %s" % k)                        kw[k] = v                    if self._required_kw_args:                        kw["request"] = request                    # 检查 required kw                    if self._required_kw_args:                        for name in self.required_kw_args:                            if not name in kw:                                return web.HTTPBadRequest("Missing arg %s" % name)                    logging.info("call with args : %s" % str(kw))                    try:                        r = yield from self._func(**kw)                        return r                    except APIError as e:                        return dict(error = e.error, data = e.data, message = e.message)def add_static(app):    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "static")    app.router.add_static("/static/", path)    logging.info("add_static %s -> %s" % ('/static/', path))def add_route(app, fn):    method = getattr(fn, "__method__", None)    path = getattr(fn, "__route__", None)    if path is None or method is None:        raise ValueError('@get or @post 未定义 in %s.' % str(fn))    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(fn) and not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(fn):        fn = asyncio.coroutine(n)    logging.info('add route %s %s => %s(%s)' % (method, path, fn.__name__, ', '.join(inspect.signature(fn).parameters.keys())))    app.router.add_route(method, path, RequestHandler(app, fn))def add_routes(app, module_name):    n = module_name.rfind(".")    if n == (-1):        mod = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals())    else:        name = module_name[n+1]        mod  = getattr(__import__(module_name[:n], globals(), locals(), [name]), name)    for attr in dir(mod):        if attr.startswith("_"):            continue        fn = getattr(mod, attr)        if callable(fn):            method = getattr(fn, "__method__", None)            path = getattr(fn, "__route__", None)            if method and path:                add_route(app, fn)

包含的依赖文件 apis.py

#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''JSON API definition.'''import json, logging, inspect, functoolsclass APIError(Exception):    '''    the base APIError which contains error(required), data(optional) and message(optional).    '''    def __init__(self, error, data='', message=''):        super(APIError, self).__init__(message)        self.error = error        self.data = data        elf.message = messageclass APIValueError(APIError):    '''    Indicate the input value has error or invalid. The data specifies the error field of input form.    '''    def __init__(self, field, message=''):        super(APIValueError, self).__init__('value:invalid', field, message)class APIResourceNotFoundError(APIError):    '''    Indicate the resource was not found. The data specifies the resource name.    '''    def __init__(self, field, message=''):        super(APIResourceNotFoundError, self).__init__('value:notfound', field, message)class APIPermissionError(APIError):    '''    Indicate the api has no permission.    '''    def __init__(self, message=''):        super(APIPermissionError, self).__init__('permission:forbidden', 'permission', message)


# handlers.py#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'url handlers'

app.py 调用

#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Python基础-Web App 骨架import logging; logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)import asyncio, os, json, timefrom datetime import datetimeimport ormfrom aiohttp import webfrom coreweb import add_routes, add_staticfrom jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoaderdef init_jinja2(app, **kw):    logging.info("初始化 jinja2")    options = dict(        autoescape = kw.get("autoescape ", True),        block_start_string = kw.get("block_start_string","{%"),        block_end_string = kw.get("block_end_string", "%}"),        variable_start_string = kw.get("variable_start_string", '{
{'), variable_end_string = kw.get("variable_end_string", '}}'), auto_reload = kw.get("auto_reload", True) ) path = kw.get("path", None) if path is None: # templates文件夹 放置 html 文件 path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "templates") logging.info("设置 jinja2 templates 地址为 %s" % path) env = Environment(loader = FileSystemLoader(path), **options) filters = kw.get("filters", None) if filters is not None: for name, f in filters.items(): env.filters[name] = f app['__templating__'] = envdef datetime_filter(t): # 时间差 delta = int(time.time() - t) if delta < 60: return u'1分钟前' if delta < 3600: return u'%s分钟前' % (delta // 60) if delta < 86400: return u'%s小时前' % (delta // 3600) if delta < 604800: return u'%s天前' % (delta // 86400) dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(t) return u'%s年%s月%s日' % (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)@asyncio.coroutinedef logger_factory(app, handler): @asyncio.coroutine def logger(request): logging.info('Request: %s %s' % (request.method, request.path)) return (yield from handler(request)) return logger@asyncio.coroutinedef data_factory(app, handler): @asyncio.coroutine def parse_data(request): if request.method == 'POST': if request.content_type.startswith('application/json'): request.__data__ = yield from request.json() logging.info('request json: %s' % str(request.__data__)) elif request.content_type.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'): request.__data__ = yield from request.post() logging.info('request form: %s' % str(request.__data__)) return (yield from handler(request)) return parse_data@asyncio.coroutinedef response_factory(app, handler): @asyncio.coroutine def response(request): logging.info('Response handler...') r = yield from handler(request) if isinstance(r, web.StreamResponse): return r if isinstance(r, bytes): resp = web.Response(body=r) resp.content_type = 'application/octet-stream' return resp if isinstance(r, str): if r.startswith('redirect:'): return web.HTTPFound(r[9:]) resp = web.Response(body=r.encode('utf-8')) resp.content_type = 'text/html;charset=utf-8' return resp if isinstance(r, dict): template = r.get('__template__') if template is None: resp = web.Response(body=json.dumps(r, ensure_ascii=False, default=lambda o: o.__dict__).encode('utf-8')) resp.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8' return resp else: resp = web.Response(body=app['__templating__'].get_template(template).render(**r).encode('utf-8')) resp.content_type = 'text/html;charset=utf-8' return resp if isinstance(r, int) and r >= 100 and r < 600: return web.Response(r) if isinstance(r, tuple) and len(r) == 2: t, m = r if isinstance(t, int) and t >= 100 and t < 600: return web.Response(t, str(m)) # default: resp = web.Response(body=str(r).encode('utf-8')) resp.content_type = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' return resp return response@asyncio.coroutinedef init(loop): yield from orm.create_pool(loop = loop, host = "", port = 3306, user = "root", password = "", database = "test") #创建一个web服务器对象 app = web.Application(loop=loop, middlewares=[ logger_factory, response_factory ]) #通过router的指定的方法可以把请求的链接和对应的处理函数关联在一起 init_jinja2(app, filters=dict(datetime = datetime_filter)) add_routes(app, "handlers") add_static(app) #运行web服务器,服务器启动后,有用户在浏览器访问,就可以做出对应的响应 # 本机地址 srv = yield from loop.create_server(app.make_handler(), "", 9000) logging.info("服务端") return srv# 固定写法loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()loop.run_until_complete(init(loop))loop.run_forever()


D:\python3-webapp-Su\www>python app.pyINFO:root:建立数据库连接池INFO:root:初始化 jinja2INFO:root:设置 jinja2 templates 地址为 D:\python3-webapp-Su\www\templatesINFO:root:add_static /static/ -> D:\python3-webapp-Su\www\staticINFO:root:服务端 GET /indexINFO:root:Response handler...INFO:aiohttp.access: - - [30/Dec/2017:15:37:26 +0000] "GET /index HTTP/1.1" 404 172 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299"INFO:root:Request: GET /indexINFO:root:Response handler...INFO:aiohttp.access: - - [30/Dec/2017:15:39:20 +0000] "GET /index HTTP/1.1" 404 172 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299"INFO:root:Request: GET /INFO:root:Response handler...INFO:aiohttp.access: - - [30/Dec/2017:15:39:25 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 172 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299"


Web框架实现对前面的 web 和 mysql 的基本调用


git add .git commit -m "Python基础-项目-day5 Web框架"git push -u origin master


实验2-6 字符型数据的输入输出
实验3-5 编程初步
实验4-1 逻辑量的编码和关系操作符
实验5-2 for循环结构
实验5-3 break语句和continue语句
实验5-4 循环的嵌套
实验5-5 循环的合并
实验5-6 do-while循环结构
实验5-7 程序调试入门
实验5-8 综合练习
深入入门正则表达式(java) - 命名捕获